People love getting bonuses. It’s awesome to pay for one thing and get this extra thing thrown in on top for free. Here are five awesome bonuses you can add to your membership site with little to know work at all.
1. Website critiques or personal responses.
Depending on your niche, you could examine your customers’ websites and tell them what to change. If you were teaching a class about blogging, copywriting, article writing, forum posting, AdWords, AdSense, real estate and so on, if they create any kind of content that can be viewed online, simply create a video of you looking at their website and showing and telling them what to change.
If this type of video does not apply to your niche then record a personal response. Ask people to ask you questions and instead of typing up the answer, record a three to five minute video explaining your answer. You’ll find that you can give a much more thorough answer and not work as hard typing all that stuff up.
2. Updated information or URL recommendations and reviews.
Most information becomes out of date after a little while. What if you spent 30 minutes per month for a year going through the URLs you recommend and updating them for the current year? That would be a great selling point because you could make your membership site go from version 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.2 and you can tell your members or even your prospects that it’s been updated a set number of times in the past 12 months. For example, “It’s been updated 35 times this year to make sure all the URLs are up-to-date and the things I recommend are brand new.”
3. Templates, worksheets and checklists.
This is all about hand holding. It’s one thing to show somebody how to do something step by step. But why not create a written down step-by-step checklist they can use to easily repeat the process later even if they forgot most of what was in your video?
For example, you can show somebody how to set up a WordPress blog and then create 10 step checklist of things like install a database, download WordPress, upload WordPress, add administrator account, add first blog post. That way, people can tell that they’ve completed all the steps in the correct order and haven’t missed any steps.
4. Upsell discount or special offer for other products.
Any smart marketer is going to realize that your customers are going to buy more than one product from you and if they’re only buying one product, chances are you only have one in their faces. If you have a competitor with an affiliate program who fills a need that you do not meet, you can link to that with your affiliate link and take a commission or if you have one of your own products linked to it and get an extra sale. But just because you’ve already sold some information doesn’t mean you have to stop selling even if the information is not yours.
5. Extended training, call in days, and surprise bonuses.
The great thing about a membership side is you can drip out content later. If you think of one new idea that relates to your product but you don’t want to make a whole new product, why not record the video and add it as an extended training bonus. Schedule it to show up a month or two later on down the road even purchase resell rights, schedule it in and make it appear later on as a surprise loyalty bonus for sticking with the membership site.
Those are the five types of bonuses you can and should and will add to your membership site website critiques, updated information, checklists, upsells, and extended training.