I don’t know what your reason is for considering a membership site. It might be the prospect of getting a recurring income, it might be the idea of being able to cut off refunders after they have bought and refunded, but on a more basic level, just from a simple download delivery standpoint from just selling a one off single payment product, a membership site works very well as a simple download area that you can add to and make more fancy later. For a membership site download area, the three best things about it are the membership levels, the content drip, and the lost password.
What is a membership level? You might have a membership site where you have a silver level and a gold level. And maybe for the silver level, people who join get some kind of instructional videos, but for the gold level, they also get live training and Q&A calls. In the past, you have set up two separate sites to accomplish this. But with most modern membership software, you can use the same membership site but depending on a particular user’s level, they see what you want them to see.
When you create a membership content in a WordPress blog, the way most membership software does it is they add tiny check boxes underneath your blog post. When you make a post, you can check the box and say “this should be only shown to the silver level, this should be only shown to the gold level, or this appears to both the silver and gold level.” By having these levels, you can show different contents to different kinds of people and even host different products entirely in the same membership site. You could have one membership level that’s called the intro product and another membership level called the advanced product and that is just a centralized download area depending on which product the person bought, they’re in a different level and see a different download link. The levels are very important for download delivery. It saves you a lot of time and a lot of headaches because you can host a lot of your downloads in the same location.
Next, to give your users ongoing training, extra content, you can use this thing called the drip. Drip content means that people join your site and get another small lesson or another small article or video every few days or every few weeks. Whether you’re doing a recurring product or not, even if somebody pays one single payment, it’s really cool to be able to drip out loyalty bonuses to keep them interested to keep them from refunding over time.
Those are both advantages for your users, but the biggest one for you in particular is it reduces customer support. Now, you might be thinking how does it do that. Because most modern membership software uses the WordPress blog platform, they can use what’s called a lost password feature. WordPress has this built in. If somebody tries to log in to their membership site and they forgot their username or password, they can click one simple link that says, “Have you lost your password?” They click on it, they fill out their email address, and it will mail them a brand new password. This cuts down on you having to reset their download or go and find their link. They can reset it themselves, they get a new password, and then they can log in.
The three big advantages for a membership site download delivery are the membership levels, drip content, and the lost password functionality.