Combine Google Alerts And Forums For Easy Traffic And Time Management

Forums are a great way to slowly get some long-term traffic back to your membership site, but the problem is that with forums, it’s way too easy to spend all day posting and suddenly it becomes a huge time-waster. Suddenly, you’re spending six to eight hours a day posting on forums and just forming initially 10 to 20 clicks. How do you use all the forums have to offer, how do you get some of that traffic back to your site without it taking all day? And the answer is to combine Google Alerts and forums. Google Alerts is a service that allows you to monitor certain keywords that Google indexes on the internet.

Let’s say you run a membership site that contains a bunch of arcade games and if somebody mentions arcade games somewhere or they mention a particular game like Pacman and you want to go and jump in and say, “Well, I have Pacman right here for free,” that’s a good feature. Right? And it would be kind of time-consuming to every single day search Google, search around and see if anything someone. Instead, do set up a Google Alert. You set up a Google Alert for the phrase “Pacman,” and now, if somebody mentioned the phrase “Pacman” anywhere on the internet, you could jump in and respond to that.

With Google Alerts and forums, you can easily respond that give the easy quick answer, you could research for improvements to make a new membership site, and you can overcome common objection people have and are asking about on these forums. With the Google Alert, you set up alerts for Pacman or maybe even your membership site’s name or your real first and last name. That way, if anyone mentions them anywhere, you can jump in.

With Google Alerts, you can set either an immediate alert or a once-a-day alert. If you have a game on your gaming site that’s very popular such as Pacman, then you can set a Google Alert for that to only email you once a day. If there are hundreds of new pages on Google with that phrase, you will only be notified once a day and you can click on one simple link, go to the forum, type in your response. I would actually put in the phrase you’re looking for plus the word “forum” in the Google Alert. It’s an easy way just to jump in and not necessarily have to freak in the forum very often, just go where you’re needed.

Next, you can research improvements within the site itself. If someone is complaining on an arcade site about how it does that most sites don’t keep a high score, then you can look into changing up the software or outsourcing an improvement so that it stores a high score. That’s how you can research improvements for your existing products.

The final use for Google Alerts and forums is to overcome a common objection. For example, somebody could be posting on a forum, “Well, I want to join this arcade side, but I don’t want them to start selling my address or sharing it.” If someone is mentioning that, then you can jump in and say, “Well, that’s what people commonly think, but I’m using this service that does not allow me to share and here’s the proof, therefore, your email address is completely safe.” And they might give you ideas for things to add to your autoresponder pre-sells or your sales letter, just things going bet even with things in place, people don’t read everything you write. It always helps us to jump in in forums. If someone mentions a particular game or arcade sites in general or your membership site, in particular you can overcome that objection and get more people aware of your site while also disarming their objections.

That’s how you combine Google Alerts and forums. Set up Google Alerts for things within your membership site, your niches, your name, or your membership site name specifically and the word “forum.” That way if it’s mentioned anywhere on the internet, you’ll get notified, you can jump in and deliver an easy answer, research an improvement for your site, or overcome an objection to get them into your site.