If you’re about to launch a membership site or if you’re even fishing for excuses about why you shouldn’t write or why you shouldn’t make a product, you’d probably go to the old reliable thinking that everybody else has already thought of the things you have to say. That is just the wrong thing to be thinking because all the information anyone would need to know is already out there in the world and on the Internet but it’s up to you to provide the right information and to provide the easiest information.
You’re not in a contest of how much stuff you can pile into your site. You’re trying to pile in the most useful stuff and that’s it. Think about this, all the information that you need is all on Google, it’s all on forms, it’s all on public libraries and yet training courses still exist and yet universities still exist because a lot of the information in libraries is out of date or it’s hard to find or it’s just the wrong information.
You can always pull you own unique spin on some kind of training and make it totally unique. And because it’s your information, because it’s your training, you don’t have any of that bad information. You don’t have any of that old information. You have the step-by-step when everyone else is trying to be the big thick giant encyclopedia.
If you still don’t believe me, think about the last time that you’re willing to pay money to figure something out. Maybe you couldn’t figure out how to get your VCR to work. You couldn’t figure out how to make an AdWords campaign profitable. Think about that.
If you could figure out how to make AdWords make you $100 a month, wouldn’t it be worth paying $50 or $100 to get to that information? And yet many cheapskates go and try to find the answers on Google and spend days if not weeks and never get what they’re looking for. What you’re really providing is the step-by-step shortcut to solve their problem. If you think of your training in that way that you’re solving someone’s specific problem then suddenly you’re on a whole different level than the Google results and the public libraries and the forms.
You are an expert in something. There’s some kind of skill you have that’s somebody else doesn’t have. I’m not saying you need to train somebody to become an expert in AdWords but even if somebody just doesn’t know what stuff to click on to set up an AdWords account, you can make a video showing them that. Just get them started, just push them in the right direction and teach people something that you would’ve paid money to find out if you didn’t know it. That way, you can trade the access to your membership for dollars and not your time for dollars.