Membership Site Examples

It’s one thing to talk a bunch of theory about membership sites, but it’s way more helpful to actually talk about profitable membership sites that have worked for and worked for you in the past. Let’s talk about some of those.

I’m going to cover three types of membership sites. First of, a shrewd up type of membership site, a live training class that was turned into a membership site and finally, a membership site in a day split up into a membership site.

The first membership site that really took off for me was a site that I created as a membership site upfront, which I really don’t recommend you do because it’s a lot of work upfront. What I did was worked with a business partner to generate one year’s worth of content before ever launching. What we did is we planned out that 52 weeks, and for every single week, recorded a video, run an audio interview, bought and posted a private labor right product and then at the end of the week, asked for questions. There was a new post everyday for four days out of every single week.

It was kind of a relief to finish and relief to launch especially because we knew after we launched it that we had enough content for an entire year. It was also a good place to store videos on subjects that didn’t really fit into any of our other products. But the problem was we had to spend weeks, if not months, generating all this content and there were just too much pressure on it. If we launch the membership site and no one bought, then we would be out all of the time we put in to generate this content. It was a good idea to create all this content upfront for a membership site but I definitely would not recommend it.

What would I recommend instead? What I would recommend is sell a single-payment membership site and then cut it up later to make it a recurring membership site. When I say single payment, most people think $20, $50… but what I did instead was to charge 200 bucks, 500 bucks, even $1,000 one-time payment for a four- or eight-week training course.

I really enjoyed the live training because it gave me a chance to interact with small group of people, let’s say 20 to 30 students, and that it let me of course correct and really talked about the things that people learning the subject and using the subject wanted to know about.

For example, I’ve run a few a classes on information product creation: how to create an e-book, video course, reportthings like that and I thought people want to know the advanced subjects but after doing the live class, I realized people were carried more about choosing the right niche. I focused more of the course into niche selection.

Now if you get comfortable with creating a membership site, that is a live training course and turning it into a monthly membership site, you’re going to love this last strategy which is to create your membership site in entire day. And what you do is you run eight webinars all in one day with the same audience covering a different topic, starting with the easy stuff, getting into the advanced stuff.

It might be kind of tough, it might be a pretty long day for you. But at the end, you’re entire year’s worth of membership site content is complete. Now, wouldn’t that be a nice feelingto finish all your content in a single day instead of in a few months?

Those are my three favorite methods of creating membership site. First is creating it as a membership site just by generating lots of content which I did for an internet marketing membership site, turning the live training into a weekly membership which deals with a product creation membership site, and teaching eight subjects in a single day as putting it up into a membership site which deals with a list-building course.

Whichever one sounds great to you, if you’d rather work slowly or quickly, either one will work. The point is to finish what you start, turn it into a membership site, launch it and get it out there.