Quick Ways To Improve Your Membership Site

I don’t care how proud you are or how much you worked on your membership site, there’s always room for improvement. With that said, I’m going to share you today three easy improvements you can make to your membership site right now and that’s having a welcome video, that’s having some question-based post, and having a step-by-step system.

How do you make a welcome video and what should it say?

I definitely recommend that you get a video camera such as a flip camera and stand in front of any blank wall and welcome people personally to your membership site. It doesn’t seem like much but when on most sites, somebody joins and they just see a regular, boring, bunch of texts on the page when they can see you personally talking to them, looking them in the eyeit makes a difference.

Record a video, welcoming them into your site and tell them what to do next. Tell them which post they should read first, tell them if you want them to leave a comment explaining themselves. And this is all going to depend on what type of membership site you have.

For example, if you are having a self-help membership site then you might want to ask somebody, “What’s the one thing in your life you want to improve on?” And you’d be surprised at the number of comments you can get just simply by telling people what to do next and they can get a logical next step for what people should do as soon as they join your membership site.

Next, half-post that asked questions and encourage commenting. Having comments is the best thing ever because you don’t have to do extra much work. You users can generate a big chunk of your content simply by asking follow-up questions or adding in there to send on a video or even telling you what they would like you to create content about next.

At the end of every video you have and every blog post, ask a question or ask for a comment, but either way ends by asking something.

Remember, turn your training into a system. It’s hard enough to navigate a blog without getting distracted or follow some kind of training course, but when you make it a step-by-step system, people can figure out exactly what steps to take next. They even figure out how close they are to finishing and how long they have left to finish. Also, it makes it easy and catchier to remember. For example, if someone’s on Step 3 or 5, then people can refer to themselves as Step 3 people or Step 4 people. Or even better, if you make your system spell out of something in certain letters, it’s even easier to remember.

If you haven’t applied these changes or improvements to your membership site yet, please do them now. Add a welcome video, ask questions and encourage commenting, and make your training into a step-by-step system.