Let’s say you already have topic for you membership site picked out, maybe you’re even close to setting it up. Now it’s time to create the content. I prefer to make video content but what kinds of videos should you create? You’re in luck, I’m going to tell you my five best kinds of videos to create for a membership site.
1. How-to instructions or webinar recording
There’s no better kind of video you can create than just showing people how you accomplish a task especially if you break it down into a repeatable step-by-step process. Nobody said you had to make a one hour video. Even a simple five to ten minute video showing a simple task that you usually take for granted can be extremely helpful for your members.
Also, the easiest type of video for me to create is a webinar recording. Simply get on the live call, demonstrate the step-by-step process and if people have questions along the way, simply address them. This way, your members are doing most of the work for you, you’re simply showing them something right in front of them.
2. Recap of another video
I’ve made several videos where the members of my sites simply did not watch the videos all the way through or they watched the videos but didn’t really pay too much attention. So if your membership site depends on a very important set of instructions early on, it doesn’t hurt to make a recap going over the same steps but faster or slower or the abridged version.
For example, let’s say you made a 20 minute video on your membership site showing people how to set up a WordPress blog including the content. But then later you made a recap video showing just the technical setup, none of the content, none of the changing of the theme, just how to get it just barely set up. There’s nothing wrong with having a recap of the same information.
3. What’s coming this week or what you will learn this week
I know from personal experience having been in a few membership sites that during some weeks I pay closer attention than on other weeks. Also, when somebody joins your membership site it’s usually only for a couple of reasons. That part of the training, that reason that got them to join might be a few weeks or a few months in so it can’t hurt to tell people what kind of videos to expect throughout the week so that they’ll be ready for them.
Also, just in case they missed a few videos, make a final video at the end of the week showing them or telling them what they learned that week. You don’t need to over think this. Simply make a PowerPoint with bullets explaining each video or even show screenshots of each video so they have a nice recap, not just of one video in particular but of the entire week.
4. Question or challenge video
Ironically, usually my members tell me that the best part of the class was when I answered questions. The easiest kind of post you can make is one that asks people a simple question and directs them to answer it on the blog below.
For example, if you are not sure where to head in your training, you could ask them. Maybe you had a class about how to set up a WordPress blog and you weren’t sure if you should go the content generation route or the technical plugin route, if you should explain the technical part or the content.
Have them vote. Ask them, “Do you want the technical or the content?” and explain why. That way, it’s not just a simple poll, people have to justify their answers and be accountable to their responses. Likewise, you could explain to people how to set up WordPress blog then tell them, “Now it’s your turn. Go set up your WordPress blog and come back here and post the URL of the completed blog so you can brag.”
5. Interview with note slides
You might have noticed that I keep telling you that the easiest kinds of videos to create are ones where you don’t have to do all the work. So an interview is fantastic because you’re simply having a conversation. If you take notes of that interview, there’s nothing wrong with putting those notes into a PowerPoint slide show and then dubbing in the interview as you play the PowerPoint. That way, people can not just listen to the interview but also get step-by-step notes as well.
Those are the five best kinds of videos you can make for your membership site. How-to instructions, recap of a video, recap of this week, a question or challenge, and an interview turned into note slides.