What Are The Usual Membership Site Mistakes?

If you’ve made a mistake in something, chances are a lot of people have already made the same mistakes before you. But the reason why you made the mistake is because you never heard about it and history repeated itself. I want you to avoid membership site mistakes. I want you to launch a membership site, make it profitable and keep making membership sites forever because membership sites for me are the easiest way to make money.

Here are three very important membership site mistakes for you to avoid right now pricing too low, not marketing enough, and choosing the wrong niche.

How can you price too low? This idea goes over many people’s heads because pricing too low attracts the wrong customers. It attracts the impulse by customers and the cheapskate customers, not the good ones that you want. Pricing low does not guarantee everyone’s going to buy in your membership site. In fact, many times when I’ve doubled my price, I have increased my sales. Kind of counter intuitive, isn’t it? But it’s true.

Instead of pricing low, price high and market yourself better. Believe in yourself more. Promote yourself more and write a better sales letter to convince people that this higher price is worth much more than their going to pay. They get much more out of the membership site than they put in.

Speaking of marketing, are you getting enough traffic? Do you have new people getting on your list everyday? Are you paying for traffic? If you answered no to any of those questions, then you are not marketing your site enough.

We’ve all fallen into that trap. It’s just so easy to create a new membership site, to make new products instead of marketing the site you already have. But you’re going to get more money for your effort if you market the stuff you already have. Get yourself out there, always you making new joint venture connections, always be getting new people on your list and always have new sources or traffic.

The final membership site mistake is a flaw in the membership site itself. Did you choose the wrong niche? Did you choose a niche such as couponing or people are just not willing to pay money to get access to coupons? Did you choose a niche that you are not allowed to do business in such as gambling because of regulations or did you choose a niche that’s not ongoing? For example, to treat someone’s yeast infection once they’ve solved that problem, no one’s going to want to pay a monthly fee to get more training. The problem has been solved.

A better membership site might be the guitar niche. You can always get more guitar instruction and there are always new songs to learn, new techniques to learn, new types of guitars to learn, new equipment to learn. That’s an example of a great niche that’s always ongoing.

I hope that helped you today to avoid the most common membership site mistakes that occur over and over again pricing too low, not marketing enough and choosing the wrong niche.