Every now and then, people are just flat out going to hate what you have inside of your membership site. This has happened to me. Sometimes you just make sites that end up being flopped. But how can you tell if your site itself is a flop or if you just have some bad member who wants to complain and if your site is a flop, how do you adjust for it – do you throw out the whole site or what do you do instead.
If you ever come across this, figure out why they hate it, if it’s the format or the content, ask what they want instead, and then figure out if it’s just the whole angle or if it’s the wrong demographic. This happened every now then. The incident that sticks out my mind is when I took some Private Label Rights content, some articles, and turned them in a video. And the problem with that was simply that the quality of the articles were poor, and so, you take a poor article and you end up with a poor video, anywhere around that. When people hated it, they hated the actual content, not the idea of having these daily videos for a membership site. All I had to do and this is what I say about time management, I just created new videos about time management from scratch without using that PLR source material and everything was fine.
The first question to ask is do people hate the fact that it’s written or that it’s video or that it’s audio or do they hate the actual content? Once you figure that out, if someone’s complaining or dropping out, just email them one-on-one and ask them what they want instead. Ask them what their specific problem is in the first place. People didn’t like that I had all of these videos based on PLR material and they wanted stuff from me directly. What I did was I added some longer videos and I made recapped videos for those long videos. I said, “Watching this one-hour video, here’s my three big takeaways,” and I’ll talk for five minutes and that was it. I still got the same daily video content but it was the recap of the good information. Ask people what they want and use them to generate content. Even if someone is asking a question, that makes a perfect title for your article, audio, or video. Use them to generate the content. But if both of those things fail, then maybe it’s just a bad crowd.
For example, I also had a membership site that was a failure and the membership site was about traffic, but the problem was the group of people that I was marketing to do not care about traffic directly. They need traffic but they don’t want traffic. Instead, I had to teach them things like product creation and then as an afterthought, add in traffic. Teach squeeze pages and as an afterthought, add in traffic but not make traffic the main attraction. That was the wrong angle.
If people hate your membership site content, figure out if they hate the format, which is the medium that is being delivered, like video, or if they hate the content itself, then ask them directly what they want and use their response to generate new content, and then figure out if maybe you’re just going about it the wrong way and you need to find a more clever hook or a more sexier angle to teach people that information.