WordPress is a great way to host your membership site, but the only problem with it is that there are so many choices about which plugins you can add to it. If you have a large number of resale rights or private label rights materials sitting on your hard drive, a great way to put them to use is by putting them into a membership site. But when you set up this membership site, what plugins are right for you? I’m going to share with you three that helped me get these online and saved me hours, if not days, of work. They are the article importer plugin, video embed plugin, and the drip plugin.
Have you ever tried to post 50 or even 100 articles onto a blog? It’s very tedious, isn’t it? You have to copy the title. You have to copy the post contents. You have to categorize it. It’s a big pain.
Fortunately, there are WordPress plugins out there that allow you to upload a ZIP file filled with text articles and will cut them up and schedule them all in a blog. This makes it very easy to post 50, 100, or even 500, even a year or two worth of blog content in just one single click.
What does a video embedding plugin do? A video is a great and fast way to generate content for your membership site. You just talk and show people things and that’s your content. No writing required. No editing stuff around. You just make a video and post it. Sounds easy right? But you have the same problem you had with importing the articles. If you had 50 videos, you have to copy and paste the special code to post in 50 videos. The plugin that really helped me post a lot of videos is a video embed plugin that allows me to simply type in the filename of the video and the plugin figures out the rest and knows the exact code to drop to make the video play properly.
Finally, the drip plugin allows me to arrange these articles and these videos in such a way that when somebody joins a site, they only get fed this content as they stay in the membership site for a longer. I give a big chunk upfront but they get something new every few days and they have a real reason to stay in the membership site because they don’t get everything delivered at once. It’s slowly dripped out as they remain in the membership site for a longer.
The plugins that helped me the most to get a membership site filled up with private label rights materials is an article-importing plugin, a video embed plugin, and a drip plugin to make the membership site behave like an autoresponder.