You’ve launched your very own membership site. People joined it but why aren’t they participating? Why aren’t they taking action? Chances are, you’ve left out a few key ingredients but it’s okay. We’re going to discover those ingredients, apply them to your membership site and get more participation in the next few days.
Add personality such as a welcome video to your site, announce, post and bonuses ahead of time and actually be there in one form or another. How do you add personality to your membership site? The easiest way is a welcome video but when you talk to your members, when you welcome them to your site even when you write in text about what kinds of post there are, don’t be overly professional. You are a person. They are a person talk to them as if you were talking to them on the phone.
Every now and then if you want to record an audio message telling members what’s going on, do it. But how do you add your personality and show that you are a person, not some faceless company?
When you make a new post and make new bonuses, announce them ahead of time. Tell people what’s coming down the pipeline. Tell people what’s going to be in the first month of the membership site in the next week and why them watching it and why them commenting on those post make the membership site better for them. You do need to convince people to comment and post it’s true.
Finally, actually be in your membership site in some form. If your membership site is a blog, people can comment you should comment too. If people ask questions and comments, post comments under them answering the question. It might seem like a lot of work but it’s really not. Just be there in some form.
I can’t tell you how many membership sites I’ve joined where I came in the membership site and the person who offered me the service was nowhere to be found. I had no idea if the membership was created a year ago or five years ago but I felt all alone. You should not make your members feel alone. There should be a community of some kind in your membership site whether that is with your personality, if that’s with the new bonuses coming down or even with the user interaction have some kind of person-to-person interaction inside that membership site.
That’s probably why you don’t have as much participation in your site as you want. There is not enough personality from you such as a welcome video, there are not enough announcements of things coming soon and there’s not enough of you in there. Fix those three things and let me know if you get more participation in your membership site.